This is by @angelinasamadhi
I want to continue to work with the Sacral Chakra with all of you and the only way I know how to do this is to share some of my personal practices.
Over the next week I will post a little update as to how I am connecting to and re-balancing my Sacral Chakra. One thing is always a given, I will be using my Passion Through Freedom or oil blend in some way.
I will also be posting a tarot spread that I have done to investigate the enery and activity of the chakra and what I can do to return it to balance if it is needed.
Please feel free to share your practices and experiences with me. Also, I LOVE feedback so let me know what you think whether it's about the spread, my practices, suggestions or this blog, I want to hear from you.
June 4, 2018 Sacra Tarot Spread

1) The current energy around this chakra - 10 of Swords - Deceit, betrayal; whether a surprise or a perceived wrong. This battle is over but the war is not lost. I will not give up. My sexual energy is low and my own medical issues have betrayed this. I also feeling like my creative energy is blocked. Lastly, I know that I feel like my needs are not heard. 2) What triggers this imbalance? - Ace of Swords - New beginnings, new ideas, new clarity. Not seeing the New in anything. I cannot seem to find a way that works or that I am comfortable with when it comes to the bedroom. I keep looking up or out to someone or something else for the right answers and direction. I cannot seem to harness my thoughts and ideas. They seem to come at times when I am not prepared or willing to see them. 3) What does balance look like for this chakra? - Six of Swords - Leave unwanted troubles behind. Move forward. Let things roll off like water off a ducks back. I need to make sure that I am only carrying my own baggage but I also need to have the control of what is in the bags. I need to set my ground rules of what I need and want and what the consequences to not abiding them are. Will this be hard? Yes. Will this take time? Yes, but it will be a benefit for all parties.
4) What unknown obstacle(s) must be overcome to achieve balance? - The High Priestess - That not connecting to my inner High Priestess the balance between inner wisdom, ancient wisdom and the connection between the physical world and the energetic world needs to be realized. That just like you need to make time for spiritual self-care you need to do the same in the physical world. Maybe even add a little magic or ritual to things in the bedroom. Try different mediums for creativity. Learn. Mantra - I am allowing myself to be the energy anchor for everyone else and need to find a sense of ritual and space. Get Back To Elemental - Get to the root basics. 5) What course of action should I use to overcome the unknown obstacle? - 7 of Cups - So many choices, too much responsibility, I don't want to decide. But decision is not a bad thing. Taking responsibility for my own shit is not a bad thing. Surrender of choice only causes me to complain about the choice someone else made. So suck it up butter cup and make decision. As long as I am clearly informed of my choices, possible repercussions or consequences of each choice and I can accept and live with those consequences then I truly believe there is no bad or wrong choice. The wrong choice is not making the decision, not taking responsibility or letting someone else choose for me and then bitching when I don't like the outcome.
This spread was adapted from the Five Card Tarot Spread by @ethony at https://ethony.com/ethonys-five-card-tarot-spread.
Decks used: The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba; The Awakened Soul Oracle by Ethony and Danielle Mulligan; Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne Donnelly; Seeds of Shakti Oracle by Sharon Basanti and Stomp Your Feet by EO Chakra Products. #rootchakra #chakratarotspread#unbalancedandbalanced #mudlahara#eochakraproducts #theeverydaywitchtarot#deborahblake #elisabethalba#awakenedsouloracle #ethony#daniellemulliganart #sacredcreatorsoracle#pixiecurio #seedsofshaktioracle#sharonbasanti