1) The current energy around this chakra - 10 of Pentacles - my throat feels open; not constricted. Open, compassionate, engaged, present. I feel like my throat chakra is more balanced in my home life then it has ever been in my life. It strange but it's like I care more how I say something whether tone, volume, semantics when it comes to my home life and my spiritual practice. Even to nature.
2) What triggers imbalance? - Seven of Wands - Not surprising when I feel attacked or when I have to constantly defend myself, thoughts, beliefs; especially at work; I close off or blurt out. If I am passionate about something look out for the fire when I am not in balance.
3) What does balance look like for this chakra? - Six of Wands - Work is a better place with this energy in check. I like to share and include and feel that I can do that when I am balanced. Work is the hardest place to become and stay balanced but when I can surround myself with like balanced or at least trying to balance it is easier. Charitable is the best way to describe this energy when it is at the size and speed it should be. I will share and listen with the same enthusiasm, interest, passion and compassion.
4) What unknown obstacle(s) must be overcome to achieve balance? - Three of Swords - I often say to myself and others that I don't care if people like me or not and in the moment I believe that to be true. But I think what I am missing is that I don't know what people don't like me or love and it hurts. I asked the cards to give me some help with this one as I don't understand and I pulled the following from the Sacred Creators Oracle Deck: 61-Cozy up with risk, Creator Earth and 04-You are epic. I feel like this is saying I am willing and do push the boundaries or ask questions when I don't understand or am curious or even speak "out of my area of skill". I am very earthy. Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon. I talk to trees and animals even sometimes over people. I am stubborn and very rooted. I like to give back some way when I take from Her. As fair as an exchange as I can when I can. Epic. I have never really thought of myself as Epic. Though I had my past lives read and I have always been here. Since the beginning. My husband joked that it made me sound like a slow learner but it feels more like I am supposed to always be here.
5) What course of action should I use to overcome the unknown obstacle? - Six of Swords - Let it go just seemed a little to obvious and "easy". Which it won't be. So I asked for some help letting go from the Sacred Creators Oracle Deck: 21-Fill your cup with sacred giggles, 58-Make a mission statement for your soul and 28-Feed your artist. So it not just about “letting it go or leaving it behind” it’s about replacing it. The best way for me to let some be is to do something to make it happen. Like start manifesting by doing. Do it until I believe it and it’s true. I feel like I just need to work on connecting more with the Divine and I can do this by making my soul path a written truth and working in following it. But to not forget to work with my interest and desire to try different art forms. As I type this, I feel like I need to remember that when I feel like I’m focusing too much on what others think, especially those that are not in my sacred circle of my life, that it is really what my subconscious is projecting. That I need to focus on smiling and laughing, acknowledging the fear, refocusing on my path and putting the energy into creating and manifesting my mission statement of my soul.
This spread was adapted from the Five Card Tarot Spread by @ethony at https://ethony.com/ethonys-five-card-tarot-spread.Decks used: The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba; The Awakened Soul Oracle by Ethony and Danielle Mulligan; Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne Donnelly; Seeds of Shakti Oracle by Sharon Basanti and Stomp Your Feet by EO Chakra Products. #rootchakra #chakratarotspread#unbalancedandbalanced #mudlahara#eochakraproducts #theeverydaywitchtarot#deborahblake #elisabethalba#awakenedsouloracle #ethony#daniellemulliganart #sacredcreatorsoracle#pixiecurio #seedsofshaktioracle#sharonbasanti